iOS Con

Yesterday finished iOSCon, and I just wanted to let you know how good it was. Yes, that’s right, It was really good to see so many iOS developers want to learn different things a and share their knowledge.
First of all the organization has my +1 because everything went so smooth. And for getting such a good panel of speakers. The only thing to point out is that the second day was far better than the first one, and having two tracks with impossible choices to make.

From the first day, I’ll recommend you to watch this talks:

And then the Lightning talks session special the one presented by Abizer Nasir, on how you can burnout in this job.

The second day started with Daniel Steinberg talked to us about Understanding your Toddler given us some insights of how Swift has evolved and what’s coming with Swift 3.0.
And then it was really a big struggle to choose the next one … Fortunately, you can just watch everything here. I would like to recommend you to not miss these ones:

What was really enlightening was to see that all speakers in a way were talking about the same thing: separation of concerns, clean code, clean architecture. It seems that Software Craftsmanship finally hit the iOS world. Good to know!

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