Last Wednesday, was the last night of a 12-week Swift bootcamp that I gave in collaboration with TECHKNOWDay and hosted by TheCurtainLDN. And I’m already missing it!
This group of Ladies was awesome: even though they were tired and wanted to go home and chill out, they persevere and come night after night.
And we finish our app. A simple Weather app, that searches for a city and then grabs the weather for it through an API. 💪
Inspired by the BBC weather app, we follow the curriculum of Apple’s program #EveryoneCanCode. It was hard, frustrating, unbelievable, colossal and for me, it was mainly fulfilling: It’s so lovely when you see these Ladies learning and applying all the knowledge that you were trying to teach them. Nothing is more rewarding than hearing all the exclamations of joy when they put something to work! It is something that there are not enough words that can explain it. I was an apprentice too, and I know how frustrated it that can be, but it’s way better when finally you can do it.
And these Ladies can do it!