New professional experience

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In the pass 2 to 3 weeks I’ve been living a new experience, and I just feel like I should somehow put it down and share my new journey as an apprentice that aspires to become a software craftsman at Codurance.

I already have a lot to talk about, but today I would like to talk about my recent experience in SocratesUk conference. This is my first conference for a long time, I don’t even remember the last one I attended. There were lots of reasons that kept me away from conferences and now I just come to this one and really had a lot of fun. And that’s for me what really changed from what I remember of what is a conference: the fact that I had fun, didn’t get bored with some infinite lecture that I could not leave. I could talk with everybody and even propose a session if I wanted. SocratesUk is a no conference, and has a very loose format that I loved.  You could suggest topics that you’re interested in and just announce it in the board, and people with the same interest would just appear the informal spaces available and talked about that.

I must confess that I’m a little shy, and the first day was a little difficult for me to approach others, introduce myself and join a group of people, but in the second day as with had been in the talks you know some people and it’s easier to break that initial ice.Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download

I think I can say that I’ve made some friends, and I that I really met some amazing people that I want to at least try to maintain in my professional and personal network.

See you around!

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