About me

My Journey

I’ve changed careers. Let me help you change yours!

Twelve years ago, I made a bold decision to leave behind my .Net backend career and embrace a new path as an iOS developer. My passion for mobile technology, quality, architecture, and code maintainability has driven me to excel in this field. As a mother of three boys, I understand the importance of balancing professional and personal life, and I bring this perspective into my work.  My experience in managing remote teams has allowed me to connect with diverse cultures worldwide and understand the dynamics of creating cohesive international teams.

Giving Back

I am committed to giving back to the community. I actively collaborate with the Women Coding Community, guiding newcomers and helping them navigate the tech industry’s challenges.

I am passionate about helping junior IT developers because I have experienced firsthand the challenges they face. I have been through these struggles, and with the right mentorship, I saw a significant difference in my career progression. This experience inspired me to provide the same level of support to others.

Why Choose Me?

Mentoring energizes me and aligns with my purpose. I have successfully changed careers and can help you do the same. I aim to help juniors enter the IT workplace, stay there comfortably, and advance their careers when the time is right. Let me help you achieve your career goals with the support and guidance you deserve.

I believe we need to promote and retain diverse talent.  As a female Scrum Master and Mobile Mentor, I want to use my position to accelerate change and hopefully inspire others. I am optimistic that we can promote a thriving sector where diverse thinking is paramount to technological evolution, improving everyone’s lives.